Wednesday, November 14, 2012


“Only trust someone who can see these three things in you: 
The sorrow behind your smile,
 the love behind your anger, 
and the reason behind your silence.”

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Another year

It's been a year 
Yet another year again.
Deeply humbled and thankful to God.

What will the next bring?
I wonder.

Hang in there
\  \  \
With me

La Mer de Pianos

Via The Debonaire

Starting to play the piano again.


From here

A year ago, Neighbour planted caravan ideas into my head.
It has taken root and I can't get it off my mind.

Someday, indeed.


The things she most wanted to tell him 
would lose their meaning 
once she put them into words

- Murakami (1Q84)


From here



Sunday Soup

Weekends are the best time of the week.
Time to exercise well
Time to rest well 
(in all aspects)
Time to eat well

We tend to make this beef goulash soup on Sundays.
I call it our 'Sunday Soup'
It's good on a cold wet Sunday.

Very good, in fact.

Kafka Castle

Been fascinated by some architecture works of late. 
Realised I'm into the boxy style of architecture, with a bit of quirk.

Kafka Castle, is one example.
Completed in 1968 by Catalan architect, Ricardo Bofill.